Happy Music Center…

“Dedicated to the personal enrichment of life through musical experiences”

Happy Music Global News

What’s happening in the world of happy music? Read on about creative people and events that are shaping the global language …music. Wherever you live, HMC wants to be informed about your musical experiences. Be actively involved in the loop, send us an email to [email protected] and we will publish it here. And, don’t forget to DONATE.


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“The Show Must Go On” A True Story of Resilience

It was last Wednesday morning in Camarillo, California, and Janice Hubbard and Richard Noel, the beloved Happy Music Ambassador, were enjoying a peaceful morning coffee. A crisp wind whipped through the air, and as the sun rose, its golden light bathed their...

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Happy Music Concert scores Big Hit in Bakersfield

Temblor Brewing & Happy Music Center Present: The Bakersfield Accordion Blast Artists: Cory Pesaturo, Jelena Milojevic, Richard Noel & Janice Hubbard and Johnny Young Date: August 20, 2024, 7:00 pm, Doors open at 6:30...

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Discover Dr. John Young aka Johnny Young

Discover Dr. John Young aka Johnny Young

Johnny Young – You probably recognize or know him as Dr. John Young, MD prominent Bakersfield physician for over 40 years. Now here’s the rest of the story. Johnny grew up in Epping, a town of 100 people in western North Dakota, whose main street today is still not...

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Discover Jelena Milojević

Discover Jelena Milojević

One of the world's foremost accordion performers, Jelena Milojević boasts a prestigious background and an impressive career. Educational Excellence: • Master's Degree in Accordion Performance and Education from Music Academy (FILUM) in Kragujevac, Serbia. • Currently...

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Cory Pesaturo – World Renowned Musician

Cory Pesaturo – World Renowned Musician

Spectacular, Impressive, sensational , virtuoso, and “magnifico” are only a few of the words that Angelo Mazzei uses when asked to describe his friend Cory Pesaturo. Cory Pesaturo is an extraordinarily gifted accordion player, who also plays the piano, clarinet, and...

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