Good news stories seem to be a rare commodity these days. But here at our New England Accordion Connection & Museum Co., they are a regular occurrence. One of the things we do is to give accordion lessons. About two years ago, I met Cory (that’s not his real name but it will do for this story) who wanted to learn how to play an accordion. He was 8 years old at the time.
We began to meet weekly and even though he did not live in the area, he would make the sessions without fail. A year went by and suddenly I began to notice a physical change in his person. He was quickly diagnosed with a particularly virulent form of cancer. Even with all of his doctor’s visits and chemo treatments he continued to come to our weekly lessons. Then one day I received a call from his mother and she tearfully advised me that Cory had suffered a severe reaction to his medication, and she was very afraid she was going to lose him.
One of the things we do at our accordion shop is hand out small stone Christian pocket crosses. My wife and I have been doing this for many years, and we have seen many miracles come to people as a result. I gave a cross to Cory and told him to keep it on him in his pocket. Shortly after, Cory’s mother called with the good news: Cory is stable and his cancer is in remission. Whether it was the chemotherapy, the music or the pocket cross is a subject for discussion. To say the least, there was great joy in their home that day.
Cory has remained cancer free to this day and yes, he continues with his accordion lessons. Just this week he gave a small concert at school for his 5th grade class as he played 4 songs from memory and one with the sheet music. And the kids called for an encore when he finished! Not bad for a gutsy ten-year-old who showed us all how to live life to the fullest.
And imagine this…it happened in North Canaan, Ct., in a railroad station with an accordion museum and a shop filled with accordions. Go figure!!
Paul Ramunni, Happy Music Ambassador
New England Accordion Connection & Museum Co.
P O Box 943
75 Main Street, North Canaan, CT ….06018
An Uplifting Story in North Canaan, Ct – By: Happy Music Ambassador, Angelo Paul Ramunni