Happy Music Center…

“Dedicated to the personal enrichment of life through musical experiences”

Happy Music Global News

What’s happening in the world of happy music? Read on about creative people and events that are shaping the global language …music. Wherever you live, HMC wants to be informed about your musical experiences. Be actively involved in the loop, send us an email to [email protected] and we will publish it here. And, don’t forget to DONATE.


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Bakersfield met Cory Pesaturo this week, Sunday March 31 through Thursday April 4. He played at four gigs, several parties, nearly always with different musicians, and always improvising. Bakersfield responded, as many of us do, with awe at his musical genius. These...

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The Impact of Rob’s Accordion

The Impact of Rob’s Accordion

The Impact of Rob’s Accordion…a story to remember. New Year’s Day 2024 We have many accordions in our collection here in Connecticut at the New England Accordion Connection & Museum Co. (NEACMC.com). Along with the accordions that have come to us, are the...

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A Thanksgiving Miracle in Canaan, Ct. By: Paul Ramunni

A Thanksgiving Miracle in Canaan, Ct. By: Paul Ramunni

A few years ago, right around Thanksgiving time, a family of Russian folks came to our accordion museum. They had an accordion that needed repair. Jacob, the patriarch of the family, was 94 at the time and he wanted his old Hohner accordion to be repaired. As his...

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“Lou Jacklich Plays!” By: Pamela Tom

“Lou Jacklich Plays!” By: Pamela Tom

Accordion Maestro Lou Jacklich (Cotati Honorary Director 2016 and past Cotati Festival performer) recently celebrated his 95th birthday. Lou is a highly respected and well-known West Coast electronic accordion pioneer, teacher and artist with nearly eight decades to...

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Hiding in a ditch with an accordion?

Hiding in a ditch with an accordion?

September 14, 2023 Hello again everyone…. Every so often I have a profound conversation with a visitor to our accordion museum and shop that I think is worth sharing. I hope you will agree. An elderly gentleman came in a few weeks ago with his family, and as we moved...

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