Happy Music Center…

“Dedicated to the personal enrichment of life through musical experiences”

Discover Dr. John Young aka Johnny Young

Discover Dr. John Young aka Johnny Young

Johnny Young – You probably recognize or know him as Dr. John Young, MD prominent Bakersfield physician for over 40 years. Now here’s the rest of the story.

Johnny grew up in Epping, a town of 100 people in western North Dakota, whose main street today is still not paved. His mother ran a café that seated up to 13 people. He took accordion lessons starting at
age eight and, by age 10, had played as a soloist with the Epping High School band and won a local talent show. He did take a year of piano lessons from his cousin, Bernie. He learned to read sheet
music and even played dinner music one summer at a country club in suburban Chicago. Once a guest came up as he was playing, and asked if he could play “A Summer Place.” He embarrassingly said, “I
am playing it!” He put the accordion aside for 55 years, rarely taking it out of its case, except to play a polka for his relatives.

During those years, he pursued a medical career and earned two master’s degrees and a doctorate in medicine. Dr. Young’s long and distinguished medical career in Bakersfield, California, contained
numerous notable events. He went on many short-term medical missions to Guatemala under the auspices of Helps International.

About four years ago, he became acquainted with Richard Noel, a professional digital accordionist. The latter also lived in Bakersfield and became an inspiration for Johnny to pick up the accordion again.
With Richard’s encouragement and support Johnny was soon playing his favorite polkas and waltzes because they are such happy music. He says, “You can’t listen or dance to a polka and be depressed
at the same time.”

Johnny recently retired from his medical practice and has dedicated the next phase of his life to creating the Happy Music Center. Although Johnny practiced medicine as a family physician, he
believes that true wellness requires a healthy body, mind, soul, and emotions–“A Cheerful heart is a good medicine,” and “The heart at peace gives life to the body.” His goal is to put a “smile on your face,
a song in your heart, and a skip in your step” with a genre of Happy Music. Don’t miss this chance to reacquaint or get to know and enjoy the new Johnny Young!