Happy Music Center…

“Dedicated to the personal enrichment of life through musical experiences”

Hiding in a ditch with an accordion?

Hiding in a ditch with an accordion?

September 14, 2023
Hello again everyone….
Every so often I have a profound conversation with a visitor to our accordion museum and shop that I think is worth sharing. I hope you will agree.
An elderly gentleman came in a few weeks ago with his family, and as we moved around in our museum, we came upon 3 button boxes that were rescued from the concentration camp in Dachau, Germany in 1945. His grandchildren didn’t seem very impressed by the accordions until their grandfather just froze in place staring at the units. We all waited to hear what he was thinking, and this is what he said…
“My grandmother and Grandfather were hiding in a ditch on the side of a road many years ago. It was raining heavily and it was at night. They were in Poland at the time and were trying to make it across the border on foot which was just a mile or so away. But there were German patrols constantly on the roads preventing people from crossing over. They were huddled down, soaking wet, and had only one suitcase with them that they tried to keep dry. The suitcase did not contain any of their personal effects, but instead, it contained the family accordion. They knew they could always get more clothing and personal items, but the accordion had all of the family memories inside it. The sound it made and the songs Grandpa had always played would keep those memories alive. They gave everything else up just to keep that accordion alive and well. It contained their link to the family and happier times.”

I watched the shocked expressions on his family’s faces as he told this story. They had never heard this story before, and it made a powerful impression on them especially the young children.

Moments like this are what is happening here at our accordion museum. We’ve been open now for just a little over 2 years and we have had upwards of 4000 visitors come in for a visit. Their first impression as they come through the door is “WOW!” Then it starts to dawn on them that they are in a very special and rare place. With well over 500 antique and modern accordions to see, the intricate designs, sounds and stories almost make the place like a spiritual experience. The visitor who spends some time here comes to realize that the makers and players of these instruments, as well as the folks who preserved these accordions, poured themselves into their construction and care. The good memories came from the time people spent with each other enjoying the music and one another’s company.

If you have a chance to visit us, please call and we can set a date to meet. We do not charge for the visit and tour, but we do ask folks to consider making a donation as you leave.

As we say,it’s not just a collection of accordions, it’s an experience…..

Thank you…..
Paul Ramunni 860-833-1374, newenglandaccordionconnectionandmuseumcompany.com